The Truth About What Works for Acne Scars

Acne Scars

December 30, 2019

Many people have the remnants of their teenage years on their faces, while others acquired pimple after pimple throughout adulthood. Whether you’re young or old, acne scarring is a condition that makes most of us self-conscious. We wonder how well aesthetic medical procedures, like laser treatment for acne scars, work. Well, there’s good news, and we have some information about reducing the appearance of acne scars to improve the texture and appearance of your skin.

First, let’s dive into the root cause of acne scarring so that you can make a confident choice for treatment moving forward.

What Causes Acne Scars?

When bacteria, dead skin cells, and excess oil fill your pores, you may develop pimples, papules, cystic lesions, blackheads, and whiteheads that comprise acne. For some, the condition may go away quickly but for others, the damage can be permanent due to scarring. This often depends upon how you treat your acne and what type you have.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne scars are more likely to occur when a person:

• Has acne that lasts for a prolonged period
• Picks at or squeezes their acne
• Has inflammatory acne
• Has a family history of this condition

What Are the Different Types of Acne Scars?

When acne leaves your face, it leaves behind discoloration and assorted scars which together make up the pock-marked look characteristic of this condition. These scars come in two main varieties depending upon how they develop.

Atrophic scars form beneath the skin, giving a depressed appearance due to loss of tissue. Some are large and known as boxcar scars. Others are smaller, like ice-pick scars, while rolling scars fluctuate in depth. Depressed fibrotic and soft scars, as well as follicular macular atrophy, contribute to a pitted look.

There are also raised scars known as keloids and hypertrophic scars. This buildup of scar tissue builds upon older acne scars, becoming quite pronounced. These higher scars contrast with the sunken appearance of the depressed scars to alter the texture of your skin.

How Can Acne Scars Be Treated and Prevented?

Acne Scar Treatment

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

While it is nearly impossible to completely eliminate acne scars, IPL and laser treatment for acne scars have proved to be a successful way to improve the appearance of these traumas. Laser skin rejuvenation is a non-ablative procedure that is safe, effective, and aids in the reduction of acne scars.

With a special handheld device, the laser enters deep into the skin and stimulates the generation of new collagen. This produces a warming sensation over the course of the approximately hour-long treatment. Within hours, any redness goes away and you see a noticeable improvement. Between three and six sessions generate the best results and help with redness and wrinkle reduction as well.

Microneedling with PRP

Considering the stigma associated with acne, many treatments and remedies have been developed, the most recent one being microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP).  The two procedures are performed together simultaneously to achieve the desired effects.  The treatment is often performed in two steps; you’ll go through a microneedling session then PRP massage.

Many people are finding out that combining the two procedures produces amazing results.

Ointments, Creams, and Chemical Peels

While there are many ads out there for different types of acne scar removal products, such as ointments, creams, and chemical peels, you may find them an expensive investment with little to show in terms of results. People who use them daily over long periods of time in hopes of great improvement are generally disappointed by the slow – if any – progress. There is also the potential to make the scarring worse, which is especially true in the case of at-home chemical peels that may cause even more damage to your skin.

Your best bet is to see a licensed professional at Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics. When you want the preeminent treatment for your face, select someone with the education, training, and experience in using medical procedures, such as laser treatment for acne scars to best improve your overall appearance.

Acne Scar Prevention

The best way to stop acne scars from forming is to refrain from popping or picking your pimples. Irritating your skin just makes things worse. See your dermatologist to determine the best way to treat your acne and stop more from occurring. However, once scars have formed, you should make an appointment with a medical professional who is well versed in gently treating your skin to resurface skin while reducing inflammation.

Contact Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics Today

If you are interested in learning how to treat your acne scars, contact Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics today. Schedule an appointment to see how reducing or banishing this condition is possible. Our experienced skin specialists are here to discuss treatment options for reducing acne scars that can change your appearance for the better.

Image Credit: Getty Images / Dimid_86