Hormone Replacement Therapy in Scottsdale, AZ

Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement Therapy

What is Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement therapy is a version of hormone therapy that compounds the needed hormones into a bioidentical pellet form so they can be placed under the skin, enabling your body to absorb and benefit from them. Our body goes through many changes as we age.  While some of them alter your physical appearance, others change the way you feel inside. One road to feeling better starts with hormone therapy, which restores your hormones to their optimum levels.

Pellet Fix Hormone Therapy

Who is Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement Therapy for?

Pellet therapy is a version of hormone therapy that compounds the needed hormones into a bioidentical pellet form so they can be placed under the skin, enabling your body to absorb and benefit from them. This therapy is recommended for those who either have low hormone levels or whose hormone levels are out of balance.

What Are the Types of Hormone Pellets Therapy?

What type of hormone the pellets use depends upon whether you are male or female. Male bodies need a certain amount of testosterone to prevent such symptoms as erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle mass, depression, irritability and mood disorders. Therefore, the type of hormone pellet therapy appropriate for men is testosterone that is bioidentical to what would optimally be produced by your body. Female bodies, however, need a different type of hormone pellet therapy, since the female body relies much more on estrogen. To reverse problems such as hot flashes, cold hands, and feet, anxiety, depression, weight gain, lack of sexual interest or insomnia, females would need pellet therapy high in estrogen but also containing testosterone to achieve their ideal level hormones.


What Should I Expect after Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement Therapy?

During your appointment, we numb your skin first to minimize any discomfort you may have. Then, the process itself is straightforward and involves placing the tiny pellets under your skin. The pellets get absorbed and since they gradually dissolve, there is no need to have anything removed. As the pellets dissipate, they release hormones just like your body previously used to make.

Most patients adjust well to pellet fix hormone replacement therapy and find immense improvement in terms of mood and how they feel. Rarely, there may be side effects such as tiredness, mood swings, headaches or breast tenderness. If so, talk to your medical professional so this can be resolved. These symptoms generally disappear once there is an adjustment in the composition of the pellets. Also, for a few days after insertion, you should take it easy. Specifically, you should refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activity.

What Does a Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatment Consist of?

Since this Pellet Therapy hormone compounding is custom done, it is tailored to your individual body’s needs so you end up with exactly the right amounts of hormones. The pellets are made from plants and each one is about the size of a grain of rice.

It is vital that you receive this therapy from an experienced, compassionate provider who knows exactly what balance your body necessitates.

From your first consultation through the actual procedure and post-insertion care, the experienced medical professionals at  Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics work with you every step of the way.

Why Choose Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics?

Adam and Eve Medical Aesthetics in Scottsdale, AZ provides a full menu of safe and effective cosmetic and body treatments that help you look and feel your best. If you are looking to achieve the benefits that can result from hormone pellet therapy, you came to the right place. Our medspa team members can review your individual history and explain how pellet fix hormone replacement therapy can help. All procedures are completed by licensed doctors, nurses or aestheticians who understand skin conditions and skincare from a medical point of view.

Personalized treatment plans are developed for each client with a focus on your concerns and goals. Our facility is highly rated among the top 1% in the United States.

We continue to earn Allergan’s Diamond status award in recognition of our patient care standards and commitment to ongoing training, safety, and innovative practices. Our medical aesthetics facility is also modern and an enjoyable place to spend part of your day with a serene, comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.

Image Credit: Getty Images / LightField Studios; Getty Images / Blue Andy

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Frequently Asked Questions About Pellet Fix Hormone Replacement Therapy

When your hormones are properly balanced, your body functions as it should. However, when they are out of whack, you may start to notice many unwelcome things, including weight gain and fatigue. That is because if you are experiencing hormone imbalance, you are not at your optimum health and it is hard to keep both a regular sleep pattern and your weight stabilized. Since pellet therapy releases hormones throughout the day, they work to maintain that optimal level. Once your body reaches the correct proportion of testosterone and estrogen, it regulates itself, making it easier to support weight management.

With any kind of hormone therapy, there is always the possibility of side effects. This risk of negative side effects is greater when you use synthetic hormones, so the fact that your body already knows how to process bioidentical hormones is one of its advantages.

There are many benefits to undergoing this type of therapy. Results vary from person to person, but for some the relief is immediate and is felt about a week or two after the first insertion. Others need a little more time. It may take up to six months to feel the maximum effect, and you may require as little as two or as many as four insertions each year. Since pellet therapy is a way to balance waning hormones, it can help improve many conditions, including: Anxiety Depression Heart disease Low sex drive Menopause