Body Contouring in Scottsdale, AZ

What is SculpSure Body Contouring?

Sculpsure in Scottsdale, AZ is an FDA-approved, laser-based and non-invasive treatment for fat removal in stubborn areas such as the abdomen, hip area, and chin. The quick and efficient procedure permanently removes up to 24% of treated fat cells using a hands-free, heated laser belt that delivers specific wavelengths and heat. There are no incisions, and the use of anesthetics is not necessary, making this a preferred treatment choice for many men and women.

Who is SculpSure Body Contouring for?

Sculpsure is a preferred option for patients who have stubborn fat that they want to remove without surgery. While many women take advantage of this FDA approved treatment, it is increasing in popularity with men too. In fact, recently reported that the number of aesthetics treatments performed on men has increased by 325% since 1997 and listed Sculpsure as one popular choice. While most healthy individuals are good candidates for Sculpsure, it is not typically recommended for those who are medically obese. The ideal BMI for candidates is 30 or less. This procedure eliminates fat cells, but it is not a weight loss treatment. The best candidates have realistic expectations and understand that its purpose is to tone, tighten and contour stubborn areas.

Prior to your Sculpsure appointment, you will meet with a licensed aesthetician at Adam and Eve Medical Aesthetics in Scottsdale. This professional will collect your medical history as well as a list of any current medical conditions and medications. They will also evaluate your treatment area and discuss your expectations and goals. With this information, we can determine if Sculpsure is the right choice for you and develop a safe and effective treatment plan.

What Should I Expect after SculpSure Body Contouring?

In as little as six weeks, most Sculpsure patients start to notice a firmer, more attractive and contoured appearance in the area they have chosen to treat. In 12 weeks, results are even more visible. One treatment is often enough to reach most patients’ goals, but some schedule two and enhance their results. Treated fat cells are destroyed, flushed from the body and do not regenerate. This means results are permanent. However, a healthy diet and exercise helps you to avoid gaining weight, preventing new fat cells from forming.

What Does a SculpSure Body Contouring Treatment Consist of?

Sculpsure treatments in Scottsdale at Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics are completed in our modern facility as an outpatient procedure. There is typically no downtime after the Sculpsure procedure, and pre-treatment instructions are minimal. While we generally recommend that all patients avoid sun exposure because of the damage it does to the skin, it is especially important to avoid sunburns prior to your Sculpsure treatment. We want you to be comfortable, and a sunburn makes it difficult to lie on your back or place the belt on the treatment area. If you use creams or lotions, avoid them the day of your treatment. Drink plenty of water in the week before your treatment, and visit us in comfortable clothing on the day of your procedure.

Your Scottsdale Sculpsure body contouring session will take about 25 minutes to complete. This does not include the 15 minutes we ask you to arrive ahead of your appointment – enough time for paperwork and last minute questions. Your aesthetician will make sure you are comfortably seated in a reclined position in the chair. Feel free to bring a book or take a nap. Your session will be comfortable, and only a slight tingling or warming sensation is typical. During the procedure, we will place some gel on the treatment area and then put the belt around you with the applicators carefully positioned on your abdomen or love handles. When the device is turned on, a laser delivers heat to your fat cells, deep under the skin, and destroys them. There is no damage to your skin. You will notice the machine cycling between heat (temperatures exceed 100 degrees) and a cooling sensation. This helps to keep you comfortable and protect your skin.

After your treatment, returning to normal activity is fine. You may notice some pinking of the skin, a little swelling or even a slightly bruised feeling. All are temporary. Massage the treated area lightly twice a day for five to ten minutes each time. Also, drink plenty of water as this helps your body flush out the dead fat cells.



Why Choose Adam & Eve Medical Aesthetics?

Adam and Eve Medical Aesthetics is a trusted facility. Under the direction of Dr. Sonders, our licensed team provides a wide range of treatments to contour your body, tighten your skin, improve your complexion and boost your self-esteem. All treatments are customized to meet your specific needs, and we conduct a thorough consultation ahead of any procedures as your safety is always a top priority. Ongoing training helps us to best understand the latest innovations in medical aesthetics and ensure our menu of products and procedures is truly revolutionary. Adam and Eve Medical Aesthetics in Scottsdale has earned recognition for our safety and patient care standards. This includes being named a 2014 Ultra Ultherapy Provider, a 2015 Ultra Premier Provider, and earning the prestigious Allergan Diamond status award that ranks us among 1% of facilities in the United States. 

Discerning patients choose us and enjoy relaxing visits in a modern facility with a staff focused on catering to your every need.

Adam and Eve Medical Aesthetics serving the Greater Phoenix Area invites you to contour your body, eliminate fat cells and look amazing with FDA approved Sculpsure in Scottsdale, AZ. Call today to schedule your consultation.

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Frequently Asked Questions About SculpSure Body Contouring

Many Sculpsure patients see noticeable results after only one treatment, however, three sessions are recommended to achieve the best results.

Yes, Sculpsure treated fat cells are destroyed, so the results are permanent. However, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan to prevent new fat cells from developing.

No. Sculpsure treatments are typically very comfortable. You will likely notice a warm, tingling sensation cycled with a cooling sensation to help keep you comfortable.

Most Sculpsure patients see results in as little as six weeks and enjoy a more attractive, contoured appearance. Improvements are even more visible after 12 weeks.